-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1,SHA256 Given the recent announcement about the attack on SHA-1, I'm moving to an RSA 2048 GPG key. The old key will be valid for a while, but I'd prefer it if you send any future correspondence to the new one. This message is signed by both the old and the new key, so you know that the transition is legitimate. The old key was: 1024D/D313A27C F174 A1B2 E9EE 2D67 59C8 FC19 5FED 313E D313 A27C The new key is: 2048R/2A727997 D3B6 604B 81B4 C7D4 43F5 3D5D AA23 EC3C 2A72 7997 To fetch the new key in full (includes a photo): wget -q -O- http://static.mumak.net/jml.gpg | gpg --import - Or, to fetch my new key from a public key server, you can do: gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 2A727997 I'd really like to get this new key into the web of trust, so please sign it and get the signatures to me, either by emailing them to me or uploading them to a public key server. jml -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkpakrwACgkQX+0xPtMTonyiEQCff1VxPJd+bVafirgrtZCK3mNt BNcAoOodi32A8yUU4NTkq4/nRKSWZk0liQEcBAEBCAAGBQJKWpK8AAoJEKoj7Dwq cnmXLfMIAMghwHzcBWGfV4YT7T6Sa7Vkk1HT3OZpA3NxbuCnF9mwtuzLvsvLS4pv pBdGUj/vzr32WQO0ACZzYp/5DadLon95xgODQZYDvVmPmntJbl0qF09r0/r1gkrZ mQe3JYxthoLNAPPZZ5hL3PrCQLYo3hdE1pLz3I8pSs0YBoPDMRc8OsAtBCVc0wpW kOwE/k7oj3m0ErN2QDXJHGgslQlHZJBPHnz4JN9+AVGld/s7q4CiqY2rmlgERaxs sXXV/8D50nqwLnhfzXuPUGTlkw8o3ULkpLjUYjng9s9bupZpyMKaD6NOhC8Ouol1 PKWB7rPyd7by5nsxAwHfXspvUe2o9f0= =7MNK -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----